Published inCarpanese's BlogA Visual Introduction to Fenwick TreeThe Fenwick Tree, also called Binary Indexed Tree, is a data structure used to update elements and evaluate range queries in arrays.May 16, 20218May 16, 20218
Published inCarpanese's BlogA Visual Introduction to Treap Data Structure (Part I: The Basics)A treap is a binary tree that maintains simultaneously the property of binary search tree (BST) and heap.Feb 1, 20203Feb 1, 20203
Published inCarpanese's BlogA Visual Introduction to Centroid DecompositionThis article is my interpretation of Tanuj Khatta’s awesome tutorial. I’ll change some things in my explanation, but he did an incredible…Jun 4, 201810Jun 4, 201810
Evolução histórica dos sistemas eleitoraisUma breve análise dos modelos de votação ao longo do tempoNov 24, 2015Nov 24, 2015